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Tomás and Company's first Blog Post!

Hello this is Carrie coming at ya'll with the website's first blog. I'll probably be the one who will be posting and "speaking" on these. I want to start off by saying "THANK YOU" for visiting our website and supporting mine and Tomás' small business.

I want to give an update personally and professionally since we started the website. When we started we were engaged! Then shortly thereafter I got pregnant! Tomas and I decided that we wanted to get married before baby came, however we decided to put off an actual wedding until sometime in 2023. So we got married at the court house on Aug.29th. I call it our "Marriage License Day" (lol), we're probably going to have 2 anniversary dates ha. Then the most magical little angel came into our lives on Sept.12. Our little Miss Zia Maeve.

Now Zia is 1 month old and were still going strong will our business! I had finished my masters in Finance in August. However, I'm going to hold off on the job hunt for while. I want to cherish and take in every moment with my new family and focus more on the business, bc TURQUOISE is life and Native Jewelry is my number one passion! VIVA La Turquoi! (LOL).

Tomas and I have continued to work on our jewelry. Tomas has made some gorgeous pieces, some commissioned and some just works of art that just came to him. He makes some amazing Squash Blossoms! Check them out. For the holidays were hoping to do small everyday Squashes so look out for those.

We have doing jewelry shows, that we do with my mother, famous Native artist Linda Bill. The shows that we have done so far are Gathering of Nations, the Free Indian Market in Santa Fe, the Navajo Nation Fair, and this weekend we are doing a pow wow in Moab UT.

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